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Highway 23 work between Milaca, Foley to continue May 22


Motorists should expect delays and lane closures as MnDOT work on Highway 23 between Milaca on Foley is set to continue on May 22.

The construction is part of the $18.2 million project that started last year to reconstruct 13.5 miles of Highway 23.

According to MnDOT, drivers should expect periodic lane closures between Foley and Milaca and alternate one-way traffic with flaggers as crews wrap up the project.

Highway 23 will also close to through traffic between Broadway Avenue South in Foley and Benton County Road 6 in Ronneby.

A stretch of the highway will also close between Lord Avenue and 13th Avenue to fix a box culvert in Foley.

Work is expected to be complete in mid-July.

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