Paving of Barry Township Government Road Discussed
The future of a contested government road in Pine County was updated this week.
The Pine County Board and County Engineer Mark Lebrun spoke on whether or not to move forward with paving a road over the government road in Barry Township, between Hinckley and Sandstone.
Lebrun said that re-doing that road would cost a substantial amount, in the $6-$7 million range.
He also stressed that the workforce is stretched thin.
The county took traffic counts that are up to state standards, and found that roughly 180 cars use the road per day

Chisago County Sheriff’s Office Hosts 'Shop with a Cop'
The Chisago County Sheriff’s Office recently ran a program to help gear kids up for back to school.
The shop with a cop program consisted of 30 local kids who were partnered with area emergency services members to shop for school clothes.
The budget for each child was $80, and other supplies and neccessities were donated by the Salvation Army and Chisago County Peace Officers Association.
Music and Art Festival
The Music and Art Festival in Rush City is tomorrow.
It features kids’ activities, a car show, beer gardens, and live performances.
The festival starts at noon and runs until midnight at the Chisago County Fairgrounds in Rush City.
You can see more information about the festival on