Pine County Fair Survey Widely Completed

During this year’s Pine County Fair you may have been approached for a survey about the fair.
That survey was a part of the Fair Study done by Pine County with help from the University of Minnesota in order to determine the economic impact the fair has on the county.
Pine County Economic Development Coordinator Robert Musgrove said the survey is really a mulit-part questionnaire, where businesses and the general public both entered responses.
The fair study received 1100 surveys from the general public, and Musgrove said that number could swell to 13 to 1400 once the businesses that participated are counted as well.
The full findings from the 2017 Pine County Fair will be released this winter when the study is complete.
Family Pathways Offers Program to aid in Keeping Active
The Family Pathways Aging Services Program is offering a program in Pine City to increase activity.
The program aids those who are aging to maintain high levels of activity while staying safe at the same time.
The sessions will begin on September 12th from 9:30 to 11:30 am and will be held every Tuesday through October 31st at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church.
You can call 320.245.6865 to sign up or head here for other signup info.
Key Back to School Dates for Pine City Students
Pine City Public Schools will welcome back students September 5th, with Open House 6 days away.
There are a few key dates that parents and students alike should keep an eye on for the upcoming year.
Students should be prepared to pick up their Chromebooks now through the 30th, until 3:30 pm today and tomorrow, and also next Wednesday during orientation, all of which are available times.
If any changes were made over the summer for addresses or daycare, that info should be sent to the school as well.
All pertinent links and info can also be found by clicking here.