Learn to Skate Program Available for Youth in Pine City

A free program in Pine City is teaching kids the fundamentals of ice skating.
The Pine City Youth Hockey Learn-to-Skate Program gives kids the tools and teaching to learn how to skate and eventually play hockey.
An informational meeting is being held Tuesday September 12th at the Pine City Civic Center at 6 pm where questions will be answered and registration available.

North Branch Police Send Traffic Alert for Weekend
A traffic alert has been sent out by the North Branch Police Department for this weekend.
On Saturday and Sunday the Sno-Barons Annual Hay Days event takes place and creates high traffic counts.
Specifically, Highway 95 through North Branch could experience heavy congestion throughout those two days.
The department will have extra officers on duty during those times to help with traffic control.
Pine Center for the Arts' new Show Starts Tonight
A new offering of artwork is headed to the Pine Center for the Arts in September.
Starting September 8th, the gallery featuring oil and acrylic paintings will be open to the public.
Those who attend the opening night will see a variety of art,, wine and appetizers.
The event is free to the public and it all begins at 4 pm today
Wastewater Plant in Cambridge Experiences Electrical Short
Yesterday the City of Cambridge experienced major issues with its wastewater treatment plant.
One of the pumps at the plant experienced a short and had to be fixed before greater problems developed within the system.
The City requested that citizens attempt to reduce the amount of water that left their homes in that time as well.
The City of North Branch also assisted Cambridge in portable pump to keep the waste stream flowing. The outage did not affect the drinking water supply or system.