Fundraiser to Provide Service Dogs Planned
A fundraiser this weekend will benefit first responders whose lives would be positively impacted by a service dog.
Courage Service Dogs is raising funds to provide PTSD Service Dogs to First Responders in Pine County.
Pine County Sheriff Jeff Nelson said the industry is much improved in helping those in community service cope with difficult aspects of their jobs.
He added that many of those emotional wounds are hidden by those who suffer.
The benefit is being held tomorrow at the Hinckley Fire Hall from 5-7 pm for dinner.
Oberstar Trail Master Plan Released

An update to the planned James L. Oberstar trail that would connect Chisago County and Pine County on the way to Duluth will be released next week.
The DNR has completed the master plan for the trail, and has invited the public to join an open house meeting on Tuesday, September 19th from 5:30-7 pm at the Pine County Courthouse.
The master plan is also available online to anyone who can’t make it to the meeting right here.
The entire expanse of the trail from the Twin Cities to Duluth is the Willard Munger State Trail system.
City of Cambridge Recycling Event
The City of Cambridge is hosting a recycling event in a partnership and are accepting a variety of items.
Old electronics including computers will be accepted.
The event is Saturday, September 23rd from 9 am to noon at Cambridge City Hall.