North Branch Mayor Kirsten Hagen Kennedy announced Monday that she'd be running for Congress this fall.
The decision came just days after current 8th congressional seat-holder Rick Nolan announced that he'll be retiring this fall, leaving an opening on the democratic ticket. Hagen Kennedy is currently in her second term as mayor of North Branch.
The current information released by Hagen Kennedy is as follows, in Facebook post. An official platform is expected to be released in the coming days:
Mayor Kirsten Hagen Kennedy is declaring her candidacy for United States Representative in Congressional District 8, Minnesota.
Kennedy is the second term Mayor of North Branch and an independent contractor for the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership in Chisago County. Kennedy is a single mother of five and holds a Masters in Advocacy and Political Leadership through UM-Duluth.
Kennedy is a respected Minnesota leader who continually works to foster partnerships and has demonstrated her commitment through years of service to her region. She understands that federal and state governments must keep their promises to ensure that people receive the basics that they need to go about their lives.
Recently, Congressman Nolan invited Mayor Kennedy to be his special guest to the State of the Union in Washington, D.C. She is inspired to serve the citizens of CD8 and looks forward to earning their support.