While most school-age children don’t want to hear it, fall is right around the corner as is back to school.
Pine City Superintendent Annette Freiheit said the school is holding elections for 3 school board spots.
"We have three positions that are up for election. I'm not sure if our incumbents will be running or not, but there will be three seats. The election occurs on Tuesday, November 6th with our general election."
She added that serving on the board is a service to the community.
“Because they have an interest in how things are ran at the school, they have some things they would like to see accomplished, or just an interest in serving their community and the school district, it's a good thing to do."
Filing for the board election opens July 31st and ends August 14th. Those interested must be an eligible voter, at least 21-years-old, a resident of the school district at least thirty days before the election, and must not have an affidavit on file for any other office at the same primary or next general election. The fee to register is $2.