Cambridge-Isanti Schools Superintendent Ray Queener has put out the following press release as a response to allegations made on Facebook involving sexual misconduct between a teenage boy and three younger students.
"Dear C-I Families,
Cambridge-Isanti Schools is aware of a Facebook post regarding allegations of student misconduct. We understand this is a difficult, sensitive topic. We deeply sympathize with all families involved. While we value transparency, the district adheres to data privacy laws which protect all students' educational data. The law restricts the district from providing specific information regarding this matter, however, safeguards have been in place since the district was first informed of the allegations. Information stating the district failed to act is inaccurate. The district responded immediately and appropriately based on the information it was provided and continues to act in accordance with the law and district policy. At Cambridge-Isanti Schools, we take student safety seriously. We work diligently each day to put safeguards in place to support safety efforts on our buses and in our schools.
Please contact me should you have questions or concerns.
Dr. Ray Queener"
The original post was written by Stephanie Olson. The entire post can be found by clicking here.
WCMP will continue to provide more information as it becomes available.