Due to the incoming snow Cambridge-Isanti, Luck, North Branch Area Schools, and Milaca Schools announced they will be closed on Wednesday.
Pine City Public Schools will be closing early today, February 20. Grades K-3 will be released at 12:38 p.m., grades 4-6 will be dismissed at 12:43 p.m., and high school students will be released at 12:55 p.m. All after-school and evening activities have been canceled.
Rush City School is closing early, Wednesday, Feb 20 due to increasing weather conditions. Elementary dismissal at 12:30 and HS at 12:35. All after-school activities are canceled.
Braham Schools will be closing today at 1:30 pm. All afternoon & evening activities, including BASK are cancelled.
Mora Public Schools will be dismissing early, February 20th. The high school will dismiss at 1:30 pm. The elementary will dismiss at 1:40 pm.
Hinckley-Finlayson Schools - No afternoon/evening activities. Busses will depart at usual Wednesday dismissal time.
Pine Technical and Community College will close at 2 p.m.
New Horizon's Thrift Store is closed.
The Senior Dance at the Pine City American Legion is cancelled.