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Writer's pictureAndrew DeVall

Braham Schools Investing in Solar Panel Options

The Braham School District heard on solar panel options for energy alternatives during their board meeting earlier this week.

In recent years, the state legislature passed a bill allocating $16 million dollars to increase solar usage with Braham Schools qualifying for the grant. The grant itself will cover up to 85% of the cost of installation.

In an interview with KBEK's Rockin' Robin, Braham Superintendent Ken Gagner touched on how the new energy alternative will also lead to further student education.

"Each of our buildings, we qualify to place a solar array. Part of the grant is that you have to have an educational component so it's really neat because now once we get these installed, kids will be able to see the actual energy production."

Earlier this year, the district passed a nearly 11 million dollar tax neutral referendum to help with needed facilities upgrades including heating and ventilation improvements and improved parking lots.

The district will consider several panel vendors before making a decision. With the solar panels, the district is estimated to save roughly $8,000 per year on energy costs.

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