Braham Agriculture Science and Technology teacher Luke Becker has been named the National ACTE AG Science and Technology Educator for 2021.
Becker has worked as an educator for 11 years with 8 of those years being at Braham Schools. His goal is to let students work outside the box to build things with a purpose.
"I hated building things that didn't matter and didn't have any point in high school and so my philosophy has always been lets not build widgets, lets build things that have a purpose even if its a little far reaching."
This goal has led him and his students winning competitions with their super mileage cars and working on projects for NASA including zero gravity mice feeder and washing machine.
Becker says he hopes this work can give students a view outside of Braham to make the world a better place.
"Providing students with opportunities to think outside of Braham but use the skills that were special with our rural students and see what they can do to make the world and actually our solar system a little better."
Becker was one of 5 finalists for the award. They were honored during a virtual gala on November 30.
You can listen to the full interview with Luke Becker by clicking here or by visiting and clicking on the podcasts tab.