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Mora Approves of Conditional Use Permit for Mora School District

The city of Mora approved of a conditional use permit for the Mora School District at their April city council meeting.

The school district presented updated information regarding site plans and traffic studies after the permit had been tabled from the previous meeting.

The CUP would allow for the school district to construct new high school related facilities, including off-street parking lots, stormwater ponds and athletic fields, at their 9th street campus which is located in a R-1 single family residential district.

One factor for tabling the permit centered around the drainage of the ponds flowing to Lake Mora and not Snake River, as had previously been suggested. The school district presented their updated final drainage plan to the city and county engineers who were satisfied with the updated information.

Mora City Councilor and Planning Commission Member Jake Mathison praised the school district’s in-depth research for the project, raising his only concern regarding students and traffic near the campus.

"That was my big concern with traffic, in regards to kids going downtown for lunch and the increase in traffic at 65 and 9th." stated Councilmember Mathison, "But if its a closed campus, I have no problem with that."

Groundbreaking for the project is scheduled for May 10th at 4:00 p.m. with construction slated to begin on May 17th.

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