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North Branch City Council member files complaint against mayor


The North Branch City Council will have a public hearing to consider a formal complaint made against mayor Kevin Schieber on Oct. 24.

During preliminary consideration of the allegations at Tuesday’s meeting, it was revealed that council member Kelly Neider filed the complaint.

In it, she accused Schieber of defamation and accused him of attacking her character and calling her out publicly.

"I have served on this council for seven years and have an impeccable track record," reads Neider's complaint. "And then you call me out publicly as dreadful, awful, gross, hideous, outrageous, and appalling, just to name a few."

Council member Robert Canada read Neider's complaint and served as acting mayor during the special session on Oct. 10.

In the complaint, Neider seeks a written apology from Schieber.

The complaint was filed on Sept. 13.

Neider was censured for comments made to a liquor store employee during a meeting on Sept. 12. It marked her second official censure of the 2023 calendar year.

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