Starting in the third week in October, the Pine City School District will have both elementary and high school students on a hybrid learning model.
This follows a rise in the rate of COVID-19 cases to 55.33 per 10,000 people. Even with Pine County factoring out the recent outbreak at FCI-Sandstone, the number of community cases would still sit above the Minnesota Department of Education's recommended threshold for in-person learning for elementary students.
Pine City Schools will implement a transition plan between now and Oct. 19, when they are set to switch over.
Pine City Elementary School will transition to its Hybrid Learning Plan on October 19.
The current week (October 5-9) continues "In-Person" learning for grades K-6.
Monday and Tuesday (October 12-13)--No elementary students will attend school. Elementary teachers & staff will be preparing for hybrid learning.
Wednesday (October 14) No students K-12. All teachers will be participating in professional development activities that have been planned for several months.
Thursday and Friday, (October 15-16). No staff or students per the school calendar.
Monday (October 19) PC Elementary implements its hybrid learning plan. Details about the elementary hybrid plan can be found here. Parents/guardians will receive more detailed information directly from the elementary administration.
Grades K-3 attend Monday-Friday (but meet in smaller groups than “in-person”).
Grades 4-6 attend "in-person" in smaller groups either M/T or Th/F. Administration will be in contact with families with the details.
Pine City High School will continue in the Hybrid Learning Model.
Monday (October 12) grades 10-12 will attend classes on site
Tuesday (October 13) grades 7-9 will attend classes on site
Wednesday (October 14) No students K-12. as all teachers will be participating in professional development activities that have been planned for several months
Thursday and Friday, (October 15-16). No staff or students per the school calendar.
Monday (October 19) the High School hybrid schedule continues
Monday/Tuesday--grades 10-12
Wednesday--Hybrid Planning Day
Thursday/Friday--grades 7-9
This plan will not impact the ALC, Vision, or ECFE program schedules.
In a letter to parents, Pine City Superintendent Curt Tryggestad said, that according to Pine County Public Health, they should expect to stay in the hybrid model of learning for the near-term.
