From Pine County:
Effective at 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 18, 2020, all Pine County facilities are closed to
unscheduled walk-in traffic indefinitely.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the county is closing walk-in service to avoid unnecessary
face-to-face contact. County services are still available online, via telephone, and by
District court is still open, but for limited cases. Please call 320-591-1500 for information on
court services.
Please call the following numbers for assistance:
Courthouse General No.: 1-800-450-7463 or 320-591-1400
Administrator/Human Resources: 320-591-1620
Assessor: 320-591-1632
Attorney: 320-591-1560
Auditor/Treasurer: 320-591-1670/320-591-1660
Court Administration: 320-591-1500
Health & Human Services: 320-591-1570 (Pine City) or 320-216-4100 (Sandstone)
Highway: 320-216-4200
Jail: 320-629-8400
Land: 320-216-4220
Probation: 320-591-1550
Planning/Zoning/Solid Waste: 320-216-4220
Recorder: 320-591-1642
Sheriff: 320-629-8380 or 911/emergency
SWCD: 320-216-4240
Treasurer: 320-591-1660
U of M Extension: 320-591-1651
Veterans: 320-216-4250