The city of Princeton heard estimates on replacing two roofs at their wastewater treatment plant at their March 11th city council meeting.
The plant was inspected last year and issues were raised with the roof conditions, with the glue used for securing the membrane giving way and pockets of pooling water beginning to form. Two roofs for the plant have already been replaced.
The city has around $26,000 in their Capital Improvement Plan set aside for the repairs. Council heard from two companies, Clearwater Construction who had done the previous replacements and All Elements Inc. The council motioned to approve of a quote from Clearwater Construction at around $22,500.
Princeton City Engineer Chris Klinghagen requested that the left over fund in the CIP be used for improvements to the city's lift stations. The improvements would consist of an update in connectivity and software, creating a stronger network and better reliability.
The city council approved of the lift stations improvements unanimously.