Minnesota Crackdown on Speeding Results Released
A statewide crackdown on speeding during July from law agencies across Minnesota halted speeders in Pine County and beyond.
According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, in district 2700 which covers Pine County and into Duluth, 375 speeding and 49 seat belt tickets were handed out.
In that time the Pine County Sheriff’s department gave 0 tickets.
Comparatively, Chisago County gave 48 speeding fines and Kanabec gave 3.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration doled out extra funding to state agencies to expand patrols during the window of July 7-23.
For the full list of tickets and citations through the program, click here.
Sexual Offender Convicted in Pine County
A sexual offender was sentenced to prison for felony 1st degree criminal sexual conduct in Pine County.
Robert Lowell Holden III was convicted yesterday morning by the Pine County Attorney’s Office to 12 years in prison.
Holden physically and sexually assaulted a minor in Robinson Park in Pine City in May of 2016.
Holden was convicted 5 months prior to the rape in Pine County of 5th degree criminal sexual conduct in Anoka County and was placed on probation in that county.
Class of 77 Reunion
A chance to meet up with old classmates for a Pine City class is coming up.
The class of 1977 is holding a class reunion on August 12th at Wings North in Pine City.
It’s being held from 4 pm to midnight with a light meal, games, laughter, and cash bar.
Pine County Parade Route
A large and local event in Pine City is tomorrow afternoon.
The parade will begin on the Southeast Corner of Robinson Park at 4:00 PM following the flyover by the T-6 Flight Team.
A map of tomorrow’s parade can be found right here.