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Writer's pictureAndrew DeVall

Former North Branch Student on Probation for Threatening Shooting

The former North Branch High School student who threatened that the school “would be the next Columbine” has been sentenced to probation.

17-year-old Alex Nieman was sentenced to probation after entering an admission back on March 7th.

As part of Nieman’s 6 month probation, he’ll enter into a residential treatment program, as well as 40 hours of community service, and will have many restrictions.

Nieman was arrested on February 24th when he threatened a shooting at the school.

--original report--

According to the report, at 6:40 PM on Saturday, February 24th North Branch Police investigated a report that Nieman had threatened the school. When officers investigated the complaint, they were informed Nieman had said that, “North Branch will be the next Columbine."

Nieman reportedly told a group of individuals that his nickname was the "School Shooter" and that he'd traded his car for a firearm. It turned out Nieman did have a .22 caliber gun but it was not functional. He was arrested with no contest that night.

The juvenile is a former student of the school who was attending Pathways at the time of the incident, a program with ties to the Chisago County School District and St. Croix River Education District.

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