Pine County Sheriff's Office forgoing their grooming policy to let deputies grow their whiskers freely for the month of November in order to raise money for charity.
"Not So Neat November" is much like Movember or No-shave November where people are encouraged to stop shaving or grooming their facial/body hair as a way to raise awareness (and funds) for cancer.
This year the Pine County Sheriff's Office is raising funds for Rochester House of Shields, a non-profit organization that provides free lodging for police officers and their families who are receiving treatment at Mayo Clinic.
To participate, deputies will have to pay a fine but that money will also be donated to H.O.S.
Sheriff Jeff Nelson wants this event to be both honoring to those affected and raise awareness for a disease that has impacted many members of the Pine County Sheriff's Office.
In a statement, Nelson said, "Many of Pine County Sheriff’s Office employee families have been affected by cancer over the years. We are using this event as a way to memorialize the lost, encourage the fighting and promote prevention. As you see deputies with their new look please remember to schedule your appropriate screenings, as early detection is often a key to survival."
A "Not So Neat November" gofundme has also been set up so people can donate to the cause.
You will also be able to vote for the deputy with the best facial hair. The winner will be able to keep their facial hair for the next year, and the losers will have to shave.